Conflict Resolution Workshop on OPI Presents
In October 2006, we taped a workshop at the Oregon Bioneers Conference in Eugene called Resolving Conflicts Creatively: Mediation as a Tool for Peacekeeping. Christina Albo, Amy Cleary, and Ted Lewis presented. Community Dispute Resolution Centers provide a model for citizen engagement and represent a grassroots movement to resolve conflicts effectively. Join members of Oregon State’s Association of Community Dispute Resolution Centers for an experiential introduction to Mediation. Participants will be introduced to skills that mediators use to keep the peace and discover resources for further training in communities throughout the state.
The presenters were:
- Christina Albo – Coordinator of the Clackamas Fam. Court Youth & Family Mediation Program. (Note: Christina is also an active member of the Portland Coalition for Genocide Awareness
- Amy Cleary – Mediation Supervisor , Clackamas County Dispute Resolution Center
- Ted Lewis, Community Mediation Services, Lane County
For more on Oregon Community Dispute Resolution Programs see the Oregon Office for Community Dispute Resolution.
This was presented at the Oregon Bioneers Conference in Salem. The Conference is part of the Beaming Bioneers.