What Happened to the OPI Library?
OPI operated a resource library for many years. Unfortunately, the costs of maintaining the collection and a physical location for the library were prohibitive. We were able to donate the collection to the Portland Community College Library system and to the PSU Metropolitan Instructional Support Laboratory, where the materials are available to many more people.
Why did you do this?
The cost of maintaining, housing and upgrading the OPI Resource library was prohibitive. The board decided it is more useful to develop virtual resources, available online.
Why did you choose these Libraries?
Glad Colburn, a long term OPI super volunteer and librarian, chose these locations to make the collection available to as many people as possible.
What is PCC going to to with the books?
Portland Community College will divide the books amongst the three Campus Libraries: Sylvania, Rock Creek and Cascade.
Can I still check out books?
Yes! If you live in the PCC area you can obtain a visitor’s library card and check out materials on conflict resolution and peace in the general collection at any PCC library!
What about the Curriculum Materials?
The curriculum materials will be available at PSU’s Metropolitan Instructional Support Laboratory. Educators through the Portland metropolitan region can use the lab.